Thursday, August 20, 2009


Today I registered Ryder for Hip Hop dance class! He is going to love it so much. All he wants to do is break dance so I figure I will start with this and see how it goes and if he enjoys it then we will get a little more in to it. Usually I would only think about Averee and dance but my Ry Guy has a calling for dancing I think. Even daddy gets a kick out of watching him bust out the moves and daddy isn't fighting me on putting him in dance class! lol... He will start in September, it's only once a week, this will be perfect for a little extra activity this fall and winter for him until it snows and we can start heading up to the mountain so him and I can learn how to snowboard! I'm trying to get him in to preschool, BUT he has been put on a waiting list so I don't know when he will actually start, hopefully soon!

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